Creating A Vaandroid Plugin
This page consists of a list of the things necessary to create a plugin with links to how to do so
- Place file in root directory
- Follow the format of on Androids website
- Place file in root directory
res directory - link to android website
src directory
- Include the following the activities folder. These are the files necessary to register your plugin
- ((PluginImpl))
- ((Template Activity))
Register the plugin
DS - [|Declarative Services]
Res helper files
- In the res dir, files such as the following (strings.xml could be helpful)
Your app name
Launcher activities
Start a new Maven project
*Give the project a groupId
- tv.twelvetone.vaandroid.plugin
- Give the project an artifactId. This tutorial uses the name 'tutorial_1'
- tv.twelvetone.vaandroid.plugin.tutorial_1
- Name the project the same thing as above
Creating new directories and adding files
- Create a new directory inside src/main/java
*Name it the same as your artifactId from above
- Create 3 classes inside this directory
- Name the classes MainActivity, and PluginImpl
- Create a directory named 'activities' on this level
- Move MainActivity into this class
Edit the 2 files
- ((Main Activity))
- ((PluginImpl))
Edit the pom file
- Here's an example ((pom.xml))
Add a file called ((Vaandroid.xml))
- Link to the manifest, resources directory, and others as fit
- Define permissions
Go to modules in the project structure, add an android module
- Select the top element, and change the sdk to the android sdk
- Attention IntelliJ Users: make sure you deselect 'Generated Sources' from the Generated Sources Tab, as it is not necessary
Add a directory named res
- Add the following subdirectories
- drawable, layout, menu, and value
- In layout, add the following file
- ((activity_template.xml))
- In value, add the following files
- ((strings.xml))
- Replace the text 'Your app name' with your application name
- dimens.xml, styles.xml
Add the [|AndroidManifest.xml] file
- Make sure the package name has your project name in it
- Make sure the activity name is correct