The Vaandroid Gradle Plugin provides tools for the creation of Vaandroid Cloud Servers for testing and production.
Vaandroid Cloud Server is a self contained application that lets you view your Vaandroid applications in a web browser. By default the plugin will install a server in your project build directory and deploy your Vaandroid application plugins into it.
If you have multiple Vaandroid projects, you can put the server in a common location and specify it before applying the gradle plugin.
The defaul server URL is https://localhost:8444. This can be changed via the Karaf http service settings or the plugin configuration block.
If you use deploy instead of compile, your dependencies will be copied into the deploy directory when you build the server.
dependencies {
compile 'your_bundle'
deploy 'your_bundle'
vaandroidServer {
// The HTTP port to listen on
httpPort = 8181
// The HTTPS port to listen on
httpsPort = 8443
// Bundles and features to be copied into the deploy directory. Items can be a PaxURL or a File. Items must be valid bundles or features.
deploy = [ ]
// Bundles to be installed on first boot. Items must be a valid PaxURL. The wrap protocol can be used (wrap:mvn:foo/bar/1.0)
install = [ ]
// Karaf features to be installed on first boot.
features = [ ]
// OSGI imports. Default is ['*']. Each string item in the list can contain multiple items by using a comma. See [] for info.
imports = [ ]
// OSGI exports. Default is ['*']. Each string item in the list can contain multiple items by using a comma. See [] for info.
exports = [ ]
imports = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
imports = [ 'a, b, c' ] // same as previous example